
Vampire Knight 2

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It was the next morning. The  sun was nowhere to be seen and the rain poured over Cross Academy, which was what had awakened the young brunette girl in the first place. She was wrapped in her lover's strong arms, her bare body pressed agaisnt his own as she looked up into his sleeping face and blushed, recalling the events of the previous night.
    Yuki carefully placed a kiss on Kaname's forehead before lifting his arms off of her body. She sat up in bed, staring out of the window with the crimson colored curtains only to find this day to be dark, and gloomy; a perfect reflection of her ambivalent emotions. It was as if the world knew of her pain and the sky was crying the same tears she had released not too long ago.
     "Zero.."  She thought to herself. Her hands reached for her clothing as she got up, making her way to Kaname's bathroom so she could take a shower. The water was cold, forcing her body to tremble and to remember the events of what seemed to be only yesterday...of Zero and what he was becoming...of her feelings....her feelings for him. She sighed hopelessly, the tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. Sniffling to fight them back, she finally turned off the water and commenced to dry herself, wrapping her hair in a towel. As she opened the door of the shower, she jumped, startled to see Kaname standing right across from her, his body now covered, and his face as serious as ever. There seemed to be something troubling him....but she couldn't figure it out.......She hadn't done anything wrong, had she? No..that couldn't be it, so what is troubling him?
      "Yuki." His tone was harsh, possibly..angry? But no..Kaname never got angry. Not with her anyway. He walked towards her as she fully got out of the shower, a towel covering her naked body. She tried to put on a fake smile, trying to cover up her sadness.
      "Yes, Kaname? Good morning, I really hope you don't mind that I was using your shower, I wasn't sure if--" She was suddenly cut off by Kaname's lips which pressed lightly against her own. He stared into her eyes for a moment, her face marked with a bit of surprise.
     "I know about Kiryu, Yuki..I know what happened. Why didn't you tell me?" Why would you keep something like that from me?!
      Her expression changed quickly, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke, standing up to Kaname, even though she felt as if she had betrayed him, the hurt rising even more in her heart.
      "Because I'm fine, Kaname. Really..and.....Zero is like my brother. I don't know what you would have done to him if I had told you, but as Zero's sister, it's my job to protect him!"
      Kaname simply watched her as she spoke, looking directly into her eyes as if he were looking into her very soul and reading her true feelings, and quite possibly, her thoughts, if even possible. Before responding, he looked away briefly before looking back at her, his eyes appearing to have a certain lonely look to them.
      "Tell me the real reason, Yuki. Please tell me the real reason for Kiryu's importance to you."
      Yuki stared at him, her heart beginning to beat faster as she tried to keep her straight face, "That is the real reason, Kaname-sama..."
      "Really..? Now, Yuki....I know my dear girl well enough to know that you are lying to me. Now, tell me the truth."
      "No..." Her eyes welled up with tears, and she couldn't stand to be in Kaname's presence any longer. She grabbed her clothing and ran out of the bathroom, out of his room, and Kaname merely let her go, watching her run away from him. He put his hands on the sink, staring at his reflection in the mirror.
He will not have her. He will not! Yuki is mine, and there is no way that I will allow some level E vampire such as Kiryu to take her away from me!!
     The mirror shattered and he walked out angrily, his beautiful face showing off rough lines from his scrunched eybrows. He made his way to the bed and forced himself to sleep. The problem with Yuki would be taken care of later, and as for for Kiryu....


       Yuki was still running, trying to make it to her dorm room as quickly as she could, the tears pouring down her face as the rain soaked her towel covered body. Good thing it was Sunday. Noone was ever around.
        When she made it to her room, she sobbed hysterically, unable to finish dressing herself so that she remained with only a shirt and panties on. She sat at the foot of her bed with her face in her now tear-drenched hands. Her body shook every now and then, and she was becoming light headed from all of the crying.
I couldn't possibly ever tell Kaname the real way I feel about Zero..I just couldn't! I'm so selfish..SO SELFISH!! I care for both of them so much..I love them much...I don't even know what to do....Oh, God...I don't..
       Her thoughts were cut off unexpectedly by footsteps in her room. She looked up, wide-eyed only to find none-other-than Zero staring at her with a worried expression. He suddenly smelled Kaname all over her and snarled, his worry becoming rage.
       "What did he do to you!? And don't be stupid and ask me who because I can smell that disgusting pureblood all over you."
        Yuki shook her head quickly. "No, Zero. You've got it all wrong! Kaname didn't to anything to me. I'm fine. It's okay. I'm just being stupid again. Sorry for worrying you."
         She forced a smile on her lips, but when she did so, Zero lifted her up to stand by her arms and shook her.
         "Don't lie to me, and don't give me that fake smile!! What the hell's wrong with you?!"
          She looked up at Zero's face and her brows furrowed. The tears began spilling down her cheeks again, her emotions beginning to get the best of her.
I love you. I love you. I love you!
           "I LOVE YOU!!</b>"
          She gasped, and Zero let go of her arms. Yuki covered her mouth with her hands, completely mortified that she had just let that slip out in that manner. Zero stared at her, astonished, and began to walk slowly backwards, feeling the need to get away. He finally turned and slammed her door shut, running from her words in disbelief.
           She can never love me..I'm a monster. I'll hurt her again...AGAIN!! I can't. I can't be near her, I just can't do something like that to her..I need to leave..I need to get away....I need to Die....
            And with that, he ran off into the rain, not turning back, but not sure where he would go, or what exactly he should do, leaving a confused Yuki to cry on her, cold bedroom floor.
Ahhhhh. Finally got the second one up. I hope it's as enjoyable as the first. I'm really sorry if it sucks.
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SammiPie1247's avatar

I love the work u have sone on all of your stories.I love how u make it interesting and realistic. Luv to see more.
